
I am writing a blog after a long time. What more to write than my boring life which is killing me slowly. I am not sure what I am doing with my life. I hadnt expected it to be so rude. I hoped to be busy soon after my studies. But now I am the least busy person in the world. I had started off CAT coaching well. But now I am loosing focus. Something really bad happened in my life recently. Unfortunately I cannot write about that. These days I think a lot about death( that idiot Dostoevski is doing that to me, never read his stories). Depression seems to be taking the better of me. I used to be a very happy person. I used to be very positive and confident, but all that seems to be some distant dream. I am unable to write more. This blog is simply for the purpose of making me believe that I am alive. I hope I would read this after some years and laugh at it, but I swear I wont be alive to read this again with the same mindset as now.



October 1, 2008 at 5:25 PM  

what das is written is utter nonsense.... there is no such great depression in his lyf.. this exercise was performed by him to catch some eye-balls..

October 4, 2008 at 10:21 AM  

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