I don’t think I am going to publish yesterday’s blog. It is pretty depressing. The routine here is almost killing me. I don’t have anything to do here. If ever I go out money gets spend like anything. I haven’t learned how to spend money judiciously (if not frugally).I was seeing the Olympics opening ceremony. It was awesome. When is our country going to host an event like that? In the opening ceremony the Chinese were showcasing their inventions that helped mankind in their advancement (like the paper, compass, gunpowder). Do we have at least one invention to show the world other than the Arabic number system which includes zero (even that is contentious). All that we have been doing is serving the world for 400 years and before that simply creating a fantasy world around ourselves that reiterated to its lazy citizens that we are the best. We are still doing that. We always maintain that Indian culture is the best with its rich philosophical content and tradition (the same tradition that divided us into a zillion castes). This country is made upon a myth. This was a bargain that we got from the Britons. They wanted to dispose this lose making enterprise( though it was called the jewel of the crown) which we inherited, which was on the verge of collapse. But we keeping up the good hindu tradition were sterile even to start a civil war. The anomalies in our country is so profound that if it was in some other place a civil war would have definitely transpired to fragment this union(like the soviet union) into pieces. But a lot of people say it was our strength that made us stick together. I believe we are weak or impotent even to initiate a movement for integration of different souls( read the lack of political will even to force upon us a common language no matter what it is) or even the more comfortable disintegration. I am not a separatist, I love my country. But I feel our federal cum unitary system which they say is a synergetic combination of American and British system( but actually happen to be a glorified third sex) sucks. We have to be either unitary or federal. Paddling two boats in opposite directions wont help moving forward. The tamils don’t like the kannadigas, malayalis don’t like the tamils, they are all hated by the north Indians and still we say we are all bhais( like we used to say hindi chini bhai bhai and then fought a war). Every Indian faces this identity crisis, this inner war. Who am I a malayali or an Indian. A Hindu or a Nair( its a caste). These questions torment every person. Even the caste less Christianity or Islam were not spared by our tolerant culture. Today we see priests of different sects of Christianity fighting in the streets for the possession of churches( only profitable ones). The great ideology of communism which envisaged a classless society got maligned in India with highly hierarchical party structure and dormant but strong male chauvinism. The party until recently produced CM’s from only upper class people( though its major support base comprises the deprived or the used to be deprived section) with Mr Achutanandan being the only exception( because all the upper caste big brothers expired). It is interesting that Kerala with a very healthy sex ratio(1076 women for 1000 men) have not seen a single women mass leader. Every woman who may have become an imposing entity in the political ground was tactically uprooted by the highly chauvinistic party structures. This class war even in entities which work for classless society is the contribution of our glorified culture. There is no room for collaboration and team work (with the possible exception of army which remains secular and united but not necessarily compassionate due its redundant british culture) in our country. We can only remain hostile and indifferent towards our country men.
So coming back to Olympics, the Chinese will go on showcasing their might on the world stage. They will go on breaching our borders. We will sit here blissfully ignorant watching the Olympics On TV and praying for a bronze( that is another big story) while the world will move on while we will remain the epitome of stinking obsequiousness.
8th August
Bhumi said...
July 31, 2010 at 2:51 AM
Bhumi said...
I feel like being nice. :P
August 27, 2010 at 12:40 AM